
有很多资源可以帮助你在考拉之旅中获得经济援助. 找到下面最常用术语的解释,以更好地了解您的需求, 你的机会, 还有你可以用来支付大学学费的工具.

  • 学年: 学年分为秋季和春季两个学期. 它从八月开始,五月结束.
  • 援助资格: 助学金资格是指学生的学术地位. Certain scholarships and grants have GPA requirements and credit hour requirements to maintain aid eligibility. 访问联邦学生援助获取更多信息.
  • 公民/合格Noncitizen: 接收U.S. 联邦助学金,学生必须是美国公民.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民. 
    U.S. 公民包括在美国出生的学生, 美属萨摩亚, 或天鹅岛, 以及父母在国外是美国公民的学生. 
    符合条件的非公民包括美国公民.S. permanent residents with Alien Registration Receipt Cards and students with an Arrival-Departure Record (I-94) from the U.S. 移民和归化局(INS)显示具体的指定.
  • 出席费用: 出席成本(COA)是与作为一名大学生的总费用相关的价格. 有些项目列在学生账单上, 包括大学学费和杂费, 住宿(校内住宿), 食物(有膳食计划的学生). COA中包含的其他项目是对书籍的计算估计, 课程材料, 供应, 运输, 个人开支. 
  • 去状态: Students must be accepted into a degree-seeking program at 哥伦比亚大学 and enrolled in at least half-time credits to have a “Degree-Seeking Status” and qualify for federal financial aid. 
  • 预期家庭贡献: Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is an index used to determine your federal aid eligibility based on a formula calculation within the FAFSA set up by the Department of Education. Your EFC is based on both your income and assets as well as your parents’ unless you are considered independent. This number should not be viewed as a dollar amount you will be required to contribute to educational expenses; your out-of-pocket expenses may be more or less than your EFC. 学生资助指数(SAI)将不迟于2024年7月1日取代EFC. 欲了解更多信息,请访问联邦学生援助网站.
  • 财务需要: 根据联邦学生援助办公室, “Financial need is the difference between the cost of attendance (COA) at a school and your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). 虽然COA因学校而异,但你的EFC不会因你所上的学校而改变.”



如果你的裁决需要文件, 在文件完成之前,它不会显示在您的学生帐户上.


美国.S. Department of Education determines one’s eligibility to receive a Pell Grant by using the information provided on a student’s Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA). 给全国的每一所高等学府, 2023-2024学年佩尔奖学金的最高金额为7美元,395.


Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG) is an allocation of federal funds made available to a college for disbursement to a student identified as having significant financial need. The college determines whether an individual has significant financial need based on a student’s inability to pay for the individual’s tuition, 费用, 如果学生有校内住宿,还包括住宿费. SEOG是用来帮助学生支付教育费用的.


The South Carolina 学费 Grant is a grant designed to provide additional financial support to South Carolina’s neediest students. 财政援助办公室管理这项资助,学生必须有FAFSA档案. 本学年的最高资助金额为4,800美元. It is awarded to full-time students and is applied towards tuition and 费用 as well as room and board if the students are staying on campus.


All South Carolina 状态 aid recipients are required by 状态 law to complete a 状态 aid affidavit annually in order to receive 状态 funds. 本宣誓书涵盖的资金包括:SC学费补助金, 生活的奖学金, 棕榈研究员, 希望奖学金, 生活提升奖学金, 和棕榈研究员 Enhancement.


院校奖学金是由院校颁发的奖学金,用于帮助学生支付学费, 费用, 住在校园里的学生也有住宿费. 哥伦比亚大学 scholarships are awarded after federal and 状态 grants and/or outside scholarships have been applied.


The college’s commitment to student scholarship is to award as much financial aid possible after all 状态 and federal grant monies have been applied to cover tuition, 费用, 如果学生住在学校,还有住宿费. Scholarship monies awarded by the college are subject to availability and may be adjusted at the discretion of the college.


来自联邦贷款的多余资金只退还给借款人. 火博体育官网颁发的奖学金不予退还, 如果他或她的申请产生信用,学生的账户将调整为0美元. 由其他机构颁发的奖学金(如.e.,企业,教堂,组织等.)保留建议如何指定奖学金的权利. Some scholarships specify how funds are to be disbursed and what should be done with any excess after tuition and 费用 have been paid in full. 例如, 一些奖学金明确规定,资金只用于书本费或学杂费. 除了, 一些奖学金要求在全额支付学杂费后退还任何多余的资金.

我总是收到退款. 为什么我现在还没有? 

在过去几年里, 一些学生在交完学费后,还获得了剩余的奖学金, 费用, 食宿都包好了. 遵守联邦标准和行业最佳实践, 学院只会颁发奖学金来帮助学生支付学费, 费用, 一旦申请了联邦和州的拨款,如果所有的费用都没有完全支付,那就包括食宿.


Refunds are generated when the amount of 退款able aid on a student’s account is more than his or her charges. 如果发生这种情况,退款将在学生账户上的学分14天内产生.


如果您要退款,营业处会通知您. 为方便您,退款日期已公布在考拉连接门户网站上.


Student loans are monies that the federal government will lend to a student while he or she is enrolled in school. 一旦学生停止学习至少6个学分,就必须偿还贷款, 毕业, 并且/或者已经耗尽了他们的宽限期, 这可能因个人而异. The amount of student loans a student can receive is directly determined by their academic and dependency status.


你必须收到FAFSA的日期才会被考虑为先到, first-serve funds like Federal Work Study and the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG). 火博体育官网的优先截止日期是每年的3月15日.


核查是由美国发起的一个程序.S. Department of Education that requires the Office of 金融援助 to validate all of the information on a student’s FAFSA. This will require additional forms to be completed and a copy of the student and parent’s Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax transcript to be supplied if the parent and/or student has not used the IRS Data Retrieval tool located inside the FAFSA. 学生是由教育部随机挑选的, 一所学校中多达85%的学生可以被选中参加这个过程.



我收到一封邮件,说我参加了联邦工作学习. 联邦工作学习(FWS)是如何工作的?
  • 学生必须在握手时申请.
  • 一旦收到申请,主管将联系学生进行面试. 如果你想雇佣这个学生, the employer will sign the students' authorizations agreeing that they have been selected to work in their area.
  • Students and employers receive an “Authorized to Work” email from the FWS Office (students may not begin working prior to receipt of this email).
  • 学生按月领薪.
  • Students and employers are responsible for keeping track of the FWS Award balance (students will not be paid more than what they are awarded).

如果你在学校工作,你将得到12美元的报酬.00 /小时. 如果你在社区服务岗位工作,你将获得15美元的报酬.00 /小时.


E-Verify is an Internet-based system that compares information entered by an employer from an employee's Form I-9, 就业资格核实, 美国政府可以得到的记录.S. 国土安全部和社会保障局确认就业资格. 所有学生必须通过电子认证才能开始工作.


Federal and 状态 regulations require financial aid recipients to maintain Satisfactory 学术 Progress (SAP) toward a recognized degree. SAP适用于所有本科生和研究生,他们可能会或可能不会获得大多数类型的联邦奖学金, 状态, 以及由学院管理的机构财政援助. 在每个条款或付款期结束时, 哥伦比亚大学 (CC) reviews all currently enrolled CC students to verify they are meeting the SAP requirements.





所有学生的毕业率必须达到 .6665 or 67%.


你应该联系你的学术顾问关于你的SAP状态的问题. 如果你对SAP如何影响你的经济援助有疑问, 你应该通过fa@columbiasc联系经济援助办公室.edu.


When a student who has received federal financial aid funds (Title IV funds) leaves a school before the end of the semester or enrollment period, federal law requires 哥伦比亚大学 to calculate the percentage and amount of “unearned” financial aid funds that must be returned to the federal government. 有关火博体育官网退课政策的更多信息, 请访问财政援助政策网页的提款部分.


The Federal Student 援助 (FSA) Ombudsman of the Department of Education helps resolve disputes and solve other problems with federal student loans. FSA监察专员鼓励借款人尽一切努力解决他们的学生贷款问题. 当无法达成解决方案时, 金融服务监察专员有一个程序和资源来帮助借款人.


金融服务管理局学生贷款申诉专员办事处-香港.S. 教育部
华盛顿特区.C. 20202-514




当我对我的余额有疑问时,我该联系谁, 1098 - t形式, 退款, 或者需要付款?
